Frequently Asked

Silica promotes the production of collagen which is important to boost skin’s suppleness and vibrance.

Silica has a wide range of benefits. It includes:
• Improvement of our digestive health
• Keeping our skin elasticity well
• Improving our joint health
• Strengthening our nails
• Boosting our bones’ health
• Improving our immune system and heart health

Silica fortifies hair follicles. It strengthens hair and prevents thinning.

Although silica is naturally found in its crystalline form (rocks, sand, etc), they are also found in foods and water that are absorbable by our bodies. They are identified as silica-rich diet sources. One of them is from natural mineral water and other sources are from vegetables, fruits and more.

Foods high in silica are:
• Bananas
• Leafy greens
• Brown rice
• Cereal
• Lentils
• Green beans

The other sources of silica are whole grains, fruits, beverages, vegetables and mineral water. However, most silica would exist in a form that’s not absorbable by the human body. The absorption of silica depends on the size of the molecules, the smaller the better the absorption rate and quality.

Yes, definitely! As collagen is a major structural component in your body, silica helps by promoting collagen production to ensure that your body has optimum amount. It’s important that collagen is readily available in your body to promote bone, heart, gut, ligament health and more.

Although this is currently being researched extensively, there has been studies with promising results to hinder obesity.

Everyone! Of course, there are certain groups of people who can benefit from it greatly, such as those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and even children with autism.

We recommend that you consult with your health professional when considering silica as part of your daily diet. However, it is generally safe when it is consumed in food amounts.

When we don’t consume enough raw vegetables, seeds, fruits and healthy, clean water, silica absorption is almost impossible. When it comes to absorption of silica, our body is only able to attain 2-3% rate of absorption. Another reason for lack of silica is that absorption rate decreases as we age.

Yes, it does! Silica has high boiling temperature. After reaching 100° Celsius, Silica’s presence is still intact. Boiling water does not affect Silica’s content in water.

Silica is naturally present in the water.

No, Silica does not react with Chinese tea.

No, Silica is only absorbable by our body through consumption.

You will experience youthful skin as it will look more radiant.

You need to drink at least 1.5 litre to 2 litres every day.

Yes, you can.

Yes, Silica is beneficial for anyone at any age.

Yes, it is.

No. Collagen is a protein made up of hundreds of amino acids. When consumed, the collagen has to first go through the stomach before going to small intestine to be absorbed into the blood stream which then is delivered to all the different tissues. However, because the stomach is very acidic (pH 2.0) and with the presence of other enzymes, the collagen cannot survive and will be transformed into smaller individual amino acids which can then get absorbed into the blood stream.

So, it is advisable to not waste money on expensive collagen. However, consuming silica is better and more important as research has shown that silica can stimulate enzymes in the body to produce collagen naturally.

Silica is typically safe to consume via foods and mineral water. Studies have not linked the use of Silica with any adverse effects, but be sure to consult with your healthcare provider if you are considering to use Silica for chronic conditions.